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Photo Gallery

My photo page is a perfect place to display photos of family, vacations, products, games, people, and more. On some photo pages, I have the option to add a title or brief description of each photo in the caption beneath it.

Sukses UNAS tanpa cemas

Berkreasi untuk Berprestasi

Try Out kelas 6 menuju sukses UASBN tahun 2010

Training for Excellent Life (TFEL) bersama RUA Zainal Fanani, M.M. Prac

Siswa kelas 6 dengan penuh semangat mengikuti TFEL

Pawai Hari Ibu menuju kantor pos Sragen

Class meeting semester 1 (lomba melukis)

Surat Cinta untuk Bunda

Class meeting semester 1 (lomba Tartil)

Lomba Adzan (classmeeting semester 1)

Class meeting (lomba futsal)

Lomba kaligrafi (classmeeting semester 1)

Lomba tarik tambak (classmeeting semester 1)